Saturday, 11 July 2009

Conglomerating the best content...

If you can make your site into the ultimate content resource on issues related to your topic, I guarantee you you’ll attract and retain a loyal audience. Your site will become known as a The Place for anyone who wants information on your subject. For example, Harry Knowles has made into The Site for movie reviews and advance spoilers. Since you’re the expert on your topic, you can evaluate sites and other resources (eZines, directories, books, offline publications) and sniff out the best ones to list along with your rating and opinions.

This sort of content is like the old book reports you used to have to write for school. Read up thoroughly on your subjects, then hit the high points of a topic. Or, consider writing a summary of three separate article that have the same theme.

Reviews of movies, books, music

This is perhaps the easiest category to get content for. If you have friends who are movie, book, or music fans, they’ll probably write reviews for free just for the thrill of seeing their stuff on a site. Also, this is a never-ending source of content, since there are always new movies, books and music coming out. Contrast that with dog breeds—once you’ve written everything there is to say about every known breed, you have to wait for them to come up with a new breed!

If you want to have some fun, you can review movies yourself. And actually, if you’re running your Google adsense site as a business, you may even be able to deduct the cost of movie tickets from your taxes. Check with a tax consultant to make sure, though.

Music is easy, too, especially if you live in a town that has lots of live music or festivals. If not, you can buy used cd’s online, listen, and review. In fact, you could even hire a high-school kid to do this, but check their writing skills first. Books are a little harder, since they take more time to review and cost more than cd’s and movie tickets. However, you can paraphrase what others have said if you’re clever and don’t violate copyright.


This is a category you might want to get a freelance writer for. Go to and browse the profiles of Service Providers to see who does interviews, then talk to them. Many freelancers specialize in celebrity interviews, and that’s what you want.

Interactive features - polls, feedback, discussion groups, forums, chat

This is one of the most popular types of sites for kids, teens, and young adults because they get to give their opinions (which many kids don’t get to do enough of at home, according to them) and they get to talk to others.

So, if you want to run this kind of site, bear your target market in mind. It’s worth paying a few bucks to a freelance writer or graphic artist to come up with fun games that are constantly changing, or new polls, since people will come back time and again to give their opinions. And don’t forget surveys—people love to take surveys.